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Borderlands 2

BacK2GraW score: 7.8

This is one of the craziest games I have ever laid my eyes on. Set on a planet called Pandora you are a vault hunter, who is very much disliked by the guy in charge, Handsome Jack. After a failed attempt to murder you, it is imperative you rid the planet of Jack and his evil regime whilst helping to save the residents in this lawless and baron world.

With that in mind you should understand that this is a dungeon crawler in a similar vein to say Skyrim. It has large, expansive landscapes that offer a main story along with a multitude of side quests and challenges. You bump into many different people that create this large scale Bandit Country. From people that share your cause to people that flat out want the bounty that is on your head, you move from area to area, facing min bosses left, right and centre. This would seem to be not too bad but the native creatures you encounter are terrifying! Bullymongs, Skegs and Spitters ​

BacK2GraW score: 8.9

Orcs Must Die! 2

Orcs must die! 2 is mix between a third person action game and tower defense made by robot entertainment (founded in 2009), who also brought you Age of empires online along with the original Orcs Must Die! Orcs Must Die 2 currently retails for 15 USD or 12 pounds.

While this was meant to be a review it may end up sounding a little bit more like a sales pitch, however I also realize that there are issues with every game, and that while it may be great, nothing is perfect.

Orcs Must die! 2 has a few modes of game play, firstly story.
While I think that this may be a weaker point of the game, its still decent and i do not think it really needs to be any longer than it is i believe there are only three or four cut-sceens in the game.



Well after a lot of hype here is the official lowdown on the latest UBIsoft release: Ghost Recon Future Soldier!


Single Player:

Based in the near future the Ghosts are charged with stopping a major plot to destroy the civilized world (as if we hadn't already guessed!), which takes them from the refineries of Nigeria to the Arctic Circle. With that out the way lets get down to business! The story is, unfortunately, the biggest weakness of the single player mission, due to its lack of real depth and somewhat predictable movement. However, what this game lacks in the epic novel department it more than makes up for in the epic game play department!

BacK2GraW score: 7.2

Ghost Recon Future Soldier

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